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City Of Kimballton Holding Special Election To Fill Vacancies Of Three City Council Members


Due to recent resignations, the City of Kimballton in Audubon County is looking to fill three city council member positions and a new city clerk. Due to the number of vacancies on the city council, there is no longer a quorum for any city action until new members are elected. A special election is scheduled to take place on Oct. 1 to fill the elected positions. If anyone is interested in running for Kimballton city council, nomination forms, and signature pages may be picked up at the Kimballton post office or Audubon County Auditor’s Office. Until new members are elected, no action can be taken to appoint a new city clerk. The Audubon County Auditor’s office will oversee city bills and payroll payments until further notice. The remaining city officials apologize in advance for potential delays in processing utility bills, payments, and questions answered. Any questions and concerns regarding city operations are still asked to be emailed to or 712-773-3003. Questions on the special election or how to be included on the ballot should be directed to the Audubon County Auditor’s office; contact points have been included below.

Audubon County Auditor: Lisa Frederiksen

Phone: 712-563-2584

Note: The Auditor’s Office has moved to 410 N Park Pl Audubon IA