The IKM-Manning Wolves are excited to get back into the building to kick off the 2024-25 school year next week. New to the district is the shared Superintendent with Tri-Center CSD Dr. Angela Huseman, who oversaw the IKM-Manning school buildings on Jul. 1, assisting with implementing a new policy regarding absenteeism, which comes down from state regulation.
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Huseman says the district is not fully staffed, as they are looking for a few more teachers with specific endorsements. But even with the openings, Huseman says other teachers have stepped up to assist until the positions have been filled.
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Aside from regular cleaning and upkeep, the biggest project started over the summer was the 15,000-plus-square-foot addition on the northeast corner of the Manning campus.
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That project is expected to be completed by the 2025-26 school year, but Huseman says it will not affect classroom operations near the site.
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Huseman is excited the district will be offering a high school alternative and work-based learning programs for high school students. More information can be found in previous stories by Carroll Broadcasting or by reaching out to Huseman. The first day of school for the IKM-Manning CSD is on Aug. 23, with a back-to-school open house on Wednesday, Aug. 21. Huseman looks forward to working and getting to know the staff and students better and can’t wait to see what this year brings.