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Sac County Supervisors Put $10.9 Million Jail Bond Referendum On Nov. 5 Ballot

It has been over 80 years since the current Sac County jail began operations, and county officials are bringing the question of building a new jail to voters this fall. During their meeting earlier this week, the Sac County Board of Supervisors voted to put the nearly $11 million jail bond referendum on the Nov. 5 ballot. According to the state jail inspector, the Sac County jail is the second oldest in Iowa, behind only Pocahontas County, which is currently building a new facility. Despite being well-maintained, the Sac County jail fails to meet current standards and poses safety risks to inmates, staff, and the public. The bond would fund a two-phase project, first to construct a new jail across the street from the existing one and then expand the law enforcement center into the former jail space. If approved, the project’s tax impact is estimated at about $0.058 per $1,000 of taxable assessed valuation. That equates to about $51.42 per year on a $200,000 home, $130.46 per year for a $250,000 commercial property, and $29.16 per year on 40 acres of agricultural land. County officials plan to host town hall meetings and tours of the current jail through Oct. 15. The referendum will require over 60 percent of voters to support the project for it to pass.

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