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Carroll County Supervisors To Host First Public Hearing Monday On Maple River Sewer Rate Change


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors will begin the process of amending rates for the Maple River wastewater utility during its upcoming meeting on Monday. The board convenes at 9 a.m. in the supervisors’ meeting room at the courthouse. The public hearing for the first reading of the ordinance amendment, which will adjust the monthly rate for Maple River customers from $55 per month to $75, will open at 9:30 a.m. The supervisors are making the change to address long-term financial sustainability concerns for the rural utility. Before the public hearing, the board will host staff from New Opportunities, who will share information on their substance abuse prevention and mentorship programs. Other items on the Monday, Sept. 9 agenda include manure management annual updates and committee reports. The meeting is open to the public and will also be live-streamed via the county’s YouTube channel. The agenda and video links are included with this story on our website.

