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Conditions Hold Heading Into Harvest, Says Latest USDA Report

It is mostly a waiting game now as Iowa farmers continue preparations for the 2024 harvest season. According to the Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), producers had 6.4 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending Sept. 8, which included cutting hay and chopping silage. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig says, “Areas of northern Iowa received some scattered showers last week, but otherwise, conditions were favorable for field and farm work. Warm and dry conditions are expected for the week ahead, with better chances of rain forecasted for the second half of September.” Corn in the dough stage or beyond reached 96 percent this week. Seventy-four percent of the corn crop reached the dent stage or beyond, six days behind last year and two days behind the five-year average. Corn maturity reached 20 percent, four days behind last year and a day behind the average. Corn conditions rated 77 percent good to excellent. Soybeans setting pods reached 97 percent. Soybeans coloring or beyond reached 42 percent, four days behind last year and a day behind the five-year average. Soybeans dropping leaves reached nine percent, four days behind last year and three days behind the five-year average. Soybean conditions measured 78 percent good to excellent. Topsoil moisture conditions rated 32 percent short to very short, 67 percent adequate, and one percent surplus. Subsoil moisture conditions rated 28 percent short to very short, 70 percent adequate, and two percent surplus. The complete report is available online at www.nass.usda.gov.

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