lang="en-US"> Sen. Grassley Reflects On 44th Annual 99-County Tour During Senate Floor Remarks – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Sen. Grassley Reflects On 44th Annual 99-County Tour During Senate Floor Remarks


U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) recently concluded his 44th annual 99-county tour and, during a speech from the Senate floor on Monday, reflected on the impact his routine interactions with Iowans have on him.

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From learning about businesses he never would have known existed to hearing directly from Iowans about the issues that are most important to them, Grassley says his annual 99-county tour keeps his finger on the pulse of his home state. Grassley says the cost of living and illegal immigration dominated the conversation at many of his meetings.

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He adds the input he receives directly from Iowans plays a significant role in determining the issues he focuses on during the session. Grassley says representative government is a two-way street, and he thanks all the Iowans who make it a point to participate in the process.

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Grassley says he is already looking forward to his 45th annual 99-county tour to begin in 2025.