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Friends Of The Jefferson Public Library Hosting Special Sale For Two-Days Only

Picture from Jefferson Public Library website

Before the annual fall book sale, the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library are hosting a special, two-day sale of children’s books and scrapbooking supplies. Thanks to recent, generous donations, the organization will sell children’s books at 25 cents a piece, with bags of most scrapbooking supplies, like stickers and decorative paper, for $10. The sale starts today (Friday) from 1:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. in the library basement. Tomorrow (Saturday), the sale will be from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. With no more room on the library shelves and a large inventory, this sale will ensure the books go to a good home where they will continue to be enjoyed by children for years to come. Library Director Jane Millard says, “Home educators, teachers, parents, and grandparents will be especially interested in the huge selection of children’s books, and for those who enjoy making greeting cards, doing other paper crafts or scrapbooking, this sale will be like finding gold” All the proceeds from this sale will benefit the Jefferson Public Library, by continuing to invest in new inventory and supply programs put on throughout the year. For more information, call the Jefferson Public Library at 515-386-2835.

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