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Lake City Residents Are Asked To Help Fill A Time Capsule With Paper Copies Displaying Community’s History

The Friends of the Community Memorial Building in Lake City are looking for paper memorabilia to be placed in a sealed time capsule to be opened by future generations 100 years from now. The renovations on the memorial building are just being finished, and the friends organization admired the difference between the updates and the original building, thinking about how much had been changed. The group wanted to preserve Lake City’s history in a safe place to be opened in the future to show what the community and businesses used to be like. Hannah Streeter-Halvorsen, building manager for the memorial building, says any community member can contribute all kinds of copies representing Lake City.

Items will be accepted at City Hall until Nov. 1. After that, the Friends of Community Memorial Building will ensure that everything contributed is ready, sealed in a capsule, and ready to be buried during a special ceremony.

After the burial ceremony, attendees are encouraged to tour the memorial building to see the newly renovated space. Individuals with questions are asked to contact Streeter-Halvorsen by emailing lccommunitybuilding@lakecityiowa.com or calling 712-210-9911. After the burial ceremony, the time capsule will stay underground and sealed until 2124.


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