Iowa Bicycle Coalition Creates Survey To Note Impact Of Biking And Trails Throughout The State

The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is asking cycling enthusiasts, trail users, local government representatives, and anyone looking to promote future trail projects to partake in the online survey about the economic impact of cycling and trails throughout Iowa.
Three Local BVU Students Winners Of Clifford A, Rae Academic Award

Picture are sixteen of the recipeints. Front row from left: Danika Demers, Money Thammavongsa, Kylie Trappe, Paige Druskis, Keirsten Trayte. Second row from left: Abigail Clark, Lillian Hoffman, Kristen Davis, Marissa Bronner. Third row from left: Tanner
VB Primer: at Colgate & Syracuse

A Zip Line And Water Fountains Are Newest Features In Audubon Parks

Picture credit of zipline to City of Audobon and Sonntag Plumbing for water fountain The Parks and Rec Department for the City of Audubon has completed the addition of new amenities to three parks throughout the community.
Carroll Chamber Of Commerce Shares Band Day Parade Route With Updates Accommodating Road Construction

With the ever-popular Band Day event coming up in the next few weeks, the Carroll Chamber of Commerce shared this year’s parade route to accommodate road construction in the area. The parade will kick off at 10:30
Carroll Fire Department Invites Public To Sept. 21 Open House

The Carroll Fire Department invites the public to join them this weekend for an opportunity to catch a glimpse into firefighter training and operations with an open house. On Saturday, Sept. 21, the department will open the
The Great Western Parking Lot Will Be Closed For The CBD Resurfacing Project Starting Thursday

Carroll city officials note the near completion of the Central Business District (CBD) street resurfacing project for the segments south of U.S Highway 30. The last portion of asphalt milling and paving will begin tomorrow (Thursday) on
Happ makes history with HR off 103.2 mph pitch

Cyclones In The NFL: Week 2

Meta bans Russian state-run media outlets globally due to ‘foreign interference’

Meta said that it is banning some of Russia’s largest state media networks from its platforms for using ‘deception to run an influence campaign and to hide its efforts.’ The ban on the state-run media networks will