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The Great Western Parking Lot Will Be Closed For The CBD Resurfacing Project Starting Thursday

Carroll city officials note the near completion of the Central Business District (CBD) street resurfacing project for the segments south of U.S Highway 30. The last portion of asphalt milling and paving will begin tomorrow (Thursday) on the Great Western Parking lot and be completed by the end of the week. The parking lot located by Principal Financial Group, just across the street from Whylie Eye Care, will be closed to the public while the paving is underway. Workers and customers of surrounding businesses are asked to plan ahead and to be aware of the extra traffic as construction crews work in the area. City officials want to extend an appreciation for everyone’s patience as the project continues on. Streets north of U.S Hwy 30 are continuing on with concrete patching, which is expected to be finished the week of Oct. 21, and asphalt paving, which will begin at the end of September and finish roughly around the same time.

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