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Sac County Sheriff’s Office Holding Town Hall Meetings To Discuss Details Of New Proposed Jail Building

Picture from the Sac County webpage

The Sac County Sheriff’s Office reminds county residents to attend one of the eight scheduled town hall meetings to discuss a new proposed jail facility. Earlier in August, the Sac County Board of Supervisors voted to put a nearly $11 million jail bond referendum on the November ballot to fund a two-phase project to construct a new jail across the street from the existing one and expand the law enforcement center into the former jail space. The need to look at new avenues was due to the Sac County jail failing to meet current standards and posing safety risks to inmates, staff, and the public during the last inspection. These informative meetings are to give the general public a chance to review the project’s scope and have any questions answered. The first meeting will begin on Wednesday starting at 7:00 p.m. at the law enforcement center building in Sac City. This week’s other meeting will be on Thursday at the Early Public Library in Early. The Sac County Sheriff’s Office will also be hosting a few open houses to tour the current conditions of the jail building starting on Saturday. The full town hall and public tour schedule has been included below.