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Lake City City Council Will Approve Proposal For IEDA Catalyst Grant At Next Council Meeting

Businesses and building owners in Lake City still have time to submit a proposal to the city council for a Catalyst grant through the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). A $100,000 grant opportunity will be granted to fund one building in the community with façade projects and other various updates and renovations. City Administrator Jacob Matthews says this grant is another initiative to remediate underutilized buildings.

Matthews says Lake City has received the Catalyst grant in the past and knows firsthand how great an opportunity this is for community buildings.

Building owners in the community who have specific projects in mind to maintain their structures’ historic feel while providing much-needed maintenance and upkeep can submit their proposals to Matthews by the next council meeting.

Any further questions on the IEDA Catalyst grant can be directed to Matthews by calling 712-640-6401.


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