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Sac City Chamber Featuring New Logo To Represent Organization’s Values


The Sac City Chamber introduced the organization’s new logo during Sac City’s Porktober Fest celebration last week. Over the last few weeks, Sac City Chamber has been working with a designer with Spot on Creative to create a new emblem to represent better the idea and the core values of the community organization. The new design incorporates the letter ‘S,’ which is flanked by two ‘C’s, for the name Sac City Chamber. The letters were designed to look like four individuals holding hands to symbolize strength and unity in a partnership and collective effort. The simplicity of the design represents the dedication to strong connections and a close-knit team. The logo is a visual of how each individual contribution is united to achieve more, in tandem with the Sac City Chamber’s motto, “Stronger Together.” The new identity of the chamber will be featured on Chamber Bucks and signs located throughout Sac City.