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Carroll County NAMI Hosts Grief After Suicide Program, Offers Continuing Support To Survivors


Over a dozen community members gathered at the Carroll Public Library last Tuesday for an educational event on coping with grief after suicide, hosted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Carroll County. The program was part of NAMI’s “Our Mental Health” series and featured Lisa Dreesman, a facilitator with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, as the keynote speaker. Dreesman discussed the complexities of grieving a loss by suicide, explaining that many survivors feel guilt or anger. She says, “Often people are angry with their loved one for abandoning them. The truth is that often nothing we could have done would have prevented the death.” Dreesman emphasized the importance of listening to those grieving, and she leads a monthly support group for people affected by suicide. The group meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., and interested individuals can contact her using the email address included with this story on our website.  NAMI’s next community education session, “Understanding the Signs of Abuse Throughout Childhood,” is scheduled for Nov. 26 from noon to 1 p.m. at the library.
