Iowa’s furbearer trapping season kicks off tomorrow (Saturday), running through Feb. 28, 2025. State officials are optimistic about the season’s prospects, with most species showing stable populations and early signs of rising fur prices. However, low water levels in many marshes and streams could impact aquatic species like otters and muskrats, according to Vince Evelsizer, furbearer and wetland biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This season also marks a new youth mentorship opportunity, allowing trappers 15 and younger to accompany licensed adults without needing a license, aligning trapping regulations with those for hunting. In addition, the DNR requests help from trappers to locate gray foxes for a population study. A $400 reward is offered for live captures suitable for tracking as researchers aim to learn more about this elusive woodland species. For more information on trapping regulations in Iowa, follow the link included below.