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Main Street Manning And Manning Chamber Of Commerce Looking For New Name After Merging Into One Entity


Main Street Manning and Manning Chamber of Commerce requests the community’s input on a new name for the soon-to-be combined organization. The announcement of merging the two into one entity was announced back in September of this year after hiring the new full-time director, Andrea Rohe. Manning residents are asked to complete a quick, two-question survey asking for ideas for a new name for the changed collaboration. Alongside a new organization name, input is also being asked for a new branding of the previously known ‘chamber bucks’ available to purchase and used at local businesses throughout the community. While most of the operations will continue the same, Rhoe says this new merging and partnership will strengthen the community, bringing more opportunities for growth and increasing the volunteer pool for events. She is looking forward to the new exciting things happening in town and creating something that Manning can be proud of. A link to complete the survey has been included below.