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CCSD Board Of Education Holds Organizational Meeting, Discusses Student Behavior On Busses And More During Monday Night’s Meeting


Student conduct on school transportation, retirement incentives, and more were significant discussions on Monday night at the Carroll Community School District’s (CCSD) Board of Education meeting. The board members reviewed and approved annual lease agreements for using the Carroll Rec Center pool for the swim team, a farm lease for FFA from the City of Carroll, and Merchants Park for baseball. In the personnel report, T.J. Jumper was approved to serve as interim assistant principal at Carroll Middle School until Dec. 20, when Abigail Glass would take over serving full-time as an interim position until the end of the school year. Board members moved into the organizational meeting, where Kristen Lundstrom was selected as president of the board and Duane Horsley as vice president. Superintendent Dr. Casey Berlau briefly discussed the district’s performance score released by the Department of Education and how Carroll High School was given a targeted designation due to subgrouping with IEP students and will focus on creating a plan to boost growth and proficiency. Board members reviewed the current student conduct policy while on the bus and favored making changes. No action was taken to change the policy officially, but it will be modified to bring it back to the board for implementation in the following semester. No action was taken on the retirement incentive plan, meaning unless board members request it be placed back on the agenda or changes are made, the incentive will not be offered to staff members. Quotes were approved for roof replacement on the Ag building, door locks, led lighting, UTV transmission repair and soil testing for transportation facility project. Board members approved a modified supplemental amount (MSA) or spending authority for open enrollment out students and English Language instruction students beyond five years, for a total spending authority of $149,069. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more on these topics in upcoming newscasts.