The Carroll County Board of Supervisors will review four funding requests, review and adopt a safety action pledge, and more during their upcoming Monday meeting. The supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. at the Carroll County Courthouse in the supervisor’s meeting room to review funding requests from Region XII, Carroll County Growth Partnership, Historical Society, and Carroll Area Childcare Center for fiscal year (FY) 2026. The Secondary Roads Department will present a Safety Action Plan Pledge that the supervisors will review and adopt. Following the pledge, the supervisors will approve payables, discuss a committee appointment application, and approve Region XII County Ordinance proposal. An engagement letter with Gronewold, Bell, and Kyhnn and Co. for FY24 audit. The rest of the meeting will be regular agenda items, with approving plat(s), retail alcohol licenses, and manure management annual updates, ending with committee reports. The Board of Supervisors meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed via the county’s YouTube channel. A link to the live stream and the agenda have been included below.