lang="en-US"> Carroll County Supervisors Hear FY26 Funding Requests From Region XII, CCGP, CACCCP, And Historical Society – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll County Supervisors Hear FY26 Funding Requests From Region XII, CCGP, CACCCP, And Historical Society


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors heard Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 funding requests from four local non-profits or not-for-profit organizations as county officials continue with budget preparations. The first to present at Monday’s meeting was Region XII Council of Governments Executive Director Rick Hunsaker, who outlines what funding Region XII seeks from the county.

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Combined, Region XII’s FY26 funding request from Carroll County totals $42,178, plus $0.06 per mile for the Western Iowa Transit capital match. Carroll County Growth Partnership (CCGP) Executive Director Kimberly Tiefenthaler followed Hunsaker. CCGP is seeking a slight increase in funding to $84,460 to account for rising overhead costs. Tiefenthaler highlights the popularity of the economic development organization’s new grant programs.

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Tiefenthaler also briefly detailed for the supervisors the many different aspects of CCGP, from business retention and expansion programming to advocacy for local issues at the highest levels of government via the annual Access Washington trip. Monday’s third presenter was Carroll County Historical Society President Barbara Hackfort, who presented a flat funding request from the current fiscal year of $4,000. The final organization to make a request was the Carroll Area Child Care Center and Preschool. Director Keely Fara says they are seeking $5,000 from the county to provide services to more families.

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The Carroll Area Child Care Center is licensed for up to 168 children but is operating at only 68 percent capacity due to staffing constraints. According to Fara, their waitlist currently has over 200 kids on it. Monday’s requests are only some of the first of the many organizations seeking funding from Carroll County, and more are expected to come in the weeks ahead. The supervisors will decide the funding amounts near the end of the budgeting process.