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Sec. Naig Opens Cover Crop Insurance Discount Applications For Iowa Farmers

Iowa farmers who planted cover crops this fall can now apply for a $5-per-acre discount on their spring crop insurance premiums through the state’s Crop Insurance Discount Program. Now in its eighth year, the program promotes cover crop usage to improve water quality, enhance soil health, and provide forage for livestock. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig says, “We encourage farmers that planted cover crops this fall to visit with their crop insurance agents and get signed up because it can save them money on spring crop insurance premiums. We all benefit when cover crops are used.” Farmers and landowners can enroll by visiting Apply.CleanWaterIowa.org or contacting their crop insurance agent. The application deadline is Jan. 24, 2025. Since its launch, nearly 2,000 Iowa farmers have enrolled over 1.2 million acres of cover crops, with Iowa’s program serving as a model for similar initiatives in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and nationwide. To qualify, cover crop acres must not be enrolled in other state or USDA cost-share programs, and certain insurance policies, like Whole-Farm Revenue Protection, may be excluded.


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