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I Saw The Sign Business Owner Graduate Of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program

Picture credit of logo to I Saw The Sign LLC

One of the owners of I Saw The Sign LLC in Carroll is a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program graduate through Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC). Chelsea Bissen was one of 31 entrepreneurs graduating from the 12th cohort of this program, being equipped with tools to help small businesses succeed from challenges that are faced by many small businesses across the state. Participants worked one-on-one with a business advisor to help develop skills to recognize opportunities and create a personalized plan to grow their business and take it to the next level. Bissen says this program has been life-changing, and a large take away from it was dreaming big and having the confidence to believe in yourself and your business. She says big things are coming soon to I Saw The Sign and looks forward to introducing them to customers very soon. She highly recommends this cohort to any small business and will talk to anyone about her experiences if they want to learn more. The complete list of graduating small business owners is included below.