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GTSB Campaign: ‘Tis The Season To Drive Sober’

The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) is partnering with law enforcement across Iowa to keep roads safe from impaired drivers during the holiday season. Through Jan. 1, officers will participate in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) high-visibility enforcement campaign, urging drivers to “designate before you celebrate.” The festive season often brings an increase in impaired driving. Last December, 990 drivers were charged with operating while intoxicated (OWI) on Iowa roads. On average, 37 percent of Iowa’s traffic fatalities are linked to impaired driving. Impaired Driving Program Administrator Michelle Cook says, “Drivers have a choice: follow the law and respect their fellow drivers by refraining from drunk driving, or make the choice to drive drunk, put others at risk, and risk their own life. We need a commitment from everyone to keep our roads safe so we can all have a wonderful holiday.” GTSB reminds Iowans to plan ahead by designating a sober driver and using rideshare services or community sober ride programs.

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