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Carroll County Supervisors To Select Chair, Vice Chair, And Committee Assignments At Thursday’s Meeting


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors has released the agenda for their organizational meeting scheduled for Thursday morning. The supervisors convene at 9 a.m. in the supervisors’ meeting room at the Carroll County Courthouse. They’ll open by appointing a temporary chairperson to lead the meeting until a permanent chair and vice-chair are selected to serve in those roles for the 2025 calendar year. Other organizational items on Thursday’s agenda include appointments for county boards and positions, such as the board of health, conservation board, zoning commissioners, and medical examiners. The supervisors will also approve resolutions designating the county’s depositories, official newspapers for legally required notices, and record disposal. The supervisors also have routine business in their first meeting of the year, including a vehicle quote for the secondary roads department and Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 funding requests from the Animal Rescue of Carroll and Carroll County Soil and Water Conservation. Thursday’s meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed via the county’s YouTube channel. Links to the agenda and video are included below.

