Total property valuations are up by more than $51 million for the 2026 tax year in Carroll County. The board of supervisors acknowledged receipt of the county’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 valuation report at their meeting this (Monday) morning. Board Chair Scott Johnson details where the figures currently stand.
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This equates to an increase of $51,768,911, or 3.01 percent. Carroll County’s total property valuations are now $1.741 billion. Johnson says the 3.01 percent increase narrowly slips into the range where the state will limit the county’s tax collections in FY26.
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According to Johnson, the General Basic collection can only grow by $120,183 in FY26 and Rural Basic by $88,687. District 2 Supervisor Mike Andersen says that will add to the already challenging task of preparing a county-wide budget, which includes more than 20 departments.
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Several non-government organizations (NGOs) have already appeared before the board to submit their FY26 funding requests, with more slated in the weeks ahead. The board will begin meeting with department heads next week to review individual department’s preliminary budgets.