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St. Anthony Regional Hospital Awarded $1.5 Million Grant From IWD For New Child Care Center


St. Anthony Regional Hospital (SARH) is one of 13 organizations throughout the state to receive grant funding from Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) to expand childcare access in their communities. Gov. Kim Reynolds announced this (Monday) morning $14 million in grants, including $1.5 million to SARH. The award is part of the Child Care Business Incentive (CCBI) Grant, which began in 2022. According to IWD, St. Anthony draws its workforce from a six-county region and boasts the largest workforce in Carroll County. The hospital will use the grant funding to construct a new, onsite childcare facility with a capacity of up to 107 children. Thirteen new, full-time employees will staff the center. Priority will be given to St. Anthony employees, but additional slots, if available, will be open to the public. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more on the grant from St. Anthony administration in upcoming newscasts.