The City of Lake City will start a new initiative to recognize residents who go above and beyond for others and support the community. The “Thank a Citizen” recognition award was brought up to the city council months ago by a resident looking to promote positive ty and acknowledge individuals who contribute to Lake City and its community members in many ways. The city council supported this from the beginning but wanted to finish and approve the city’s new logo before creating a certificate that would be presented to the award winners. Nomination forms can be found at City Hall and, once filled out, returned back for the City Council to review, and approve a nominee. The “Thank a Citizen” award winner will be publicly recognized during city council meetings, social media, and more for the work and efforts put in for the betterment of the community. City Administrator Jacob Matthews says, “This award is an opportunity to tell a story, to share the good things that happen in the community that often go unseen as they are not publicly displayed. By recognizing individuals who deserve to be awarded with such a designation, positivity will grow and further promote Lake City as the wonderful community it is.” Again, those wishing to partake and nominate someone for the “Thank a Citizen” award can do so by filling out a form available at Lake City City Hall.