Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 budget preparations once again take up the bulk of the Carroll County Board of Supervisors’ agenda for next week’s meeting. The board convenes at the Carroll County Courthouse at 9 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 20. They’ll open with a preliminary review of the FY26 budget for the Secondary Roads Department, followed by reports from GIS/P&Z, Carroll County Conservation, Home Care Aides, and Carroll County Public Health. Other departments on the agenda include the Carroll County Recorder’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office and jail, and the Carroll County Communications Center. Other than budget work, the only other items on the agenda for Monday are an FY25 substance abuse semi-annual report, a routine inter-fund transfer, the canvass for a Drain 23 election, and manure management annual updates. Monday’s meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed via the county’s YouTube channel. Links to the agenda and video are included with this story on our website.