A Greene County High School student will advance to the Department or statewide contest for the annual American Legion Oratorical Speech Contest next month. Payton Wadsworth won second place during the district 8 level contest, that was held on Dec. 29 at the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Carroll Campus. Wadsworth joined Aiden Anderson, a Southeast Valley High School senior, to compete at the Area 3 contest level on Jan. 12, with Districts 7 and 9 winners. Each participant delivered a prepared speech as well as a random oration of a constitutional topic. Wadsworth was awarded first place at the Area contest, and will now advance to the Department contest held on Feb. 16 at the Legions Mid-Winter conference in Des Moines. She will be competing against two other contestants from the other Area contests. If placed at the Department level contest, Wadsworth can move to the National contest, where she can win a $25,000 scholarship. Since its inception in 1938, the American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program awards thousands of dollars annually to high school students, encouraging them to study the U.S. Constitution and build up public speaking skills. High school administrators interested in this program, contact Gary Schmitz, Chairman of the District 8 Oratorical contest and Carroll American Legion member, at 712-830-3072 or email schmitzga@gmail.com.