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Lake City Showcases New Proposed Designs For City Banners

The City of Lake City will soon display newly designed banners around the community, featuring local organizations and attractions unique to the city. For months, new banners have been discussed at city council meetings, with council members tabling the idea until the approval of a new city logo. Three designs were brought back to the council with the new rebranding for the city, each representing a significant piece of the Lake City community. Designs were submitted by local artists who collaborated to feature the American Legion and VWF, the South Central Calhoun Community School District, and a view of the Lake City town square. The new banners will replace the damaged ones from the 2020 derecho, printed on an 18-ounce vinyl material more resistant to strong winds. After official approval, approximately 20 banners will be purchased and displayed around the town square and along major roads into Lake City. Matthews is hopeful the new banners will be up in the next few weeks. Banner designs can be found included below.


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