lang="en-US"> CCSD Board Of Education Approves Of Weighted GPA Scale And Discusses Modified Schedule And Graduation Requirements For High School Students – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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CCSD Board Of Education Approves Of Weighted GPA Scale And Discusses Modified Schedule And Graduation Requirements For High School Students


The Carroll Community School District (CCSD) Board of Education heard a presentation from high school staff members regarding proposed changes to students’ schedules and a weighted grade scale for select students taking college level courses. Carroll High School (CHS) Counselor Kristi Shanks compiled a modified schedule that had six class periods with one study hall, which would increase instructional time to 47 minutes per class, with a 38-minute advisory and half hour for lunch. Shanks says this schedule better aligns with curricular resources and the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) classes to promote more CCSD students to pursue other academic opportunities. A seven-period day would also create consistency among teachers, as each teacher would instruct 6 classes with one prep period. CCSD Social Studies teacher Bob Pauk says the biggest key from the new proposed schedule would be additional instructional time in the classroom.

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With the proposed change in schedule, Shanks recommends the board approve of a decrease in the number of credits required to graduate. With a class taken out of the school day, students will only earn six credits a semester, and will not add up to meet the current graduation requirements. Shanks proposed two diplomas, a traditional high school diploma with a graduation requirement of 48 credits and a career diploma, with a 42-credit requirement but with additional learning opportunities.

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Both board members Jim Friel and Duane Horsley questioned if lowering the credit requirements would cause students to not push themselves academically. Friel questioned if the alternative school program (R.O.A.R) and a lower credit diploma what CCSD should be promoting for CHS students.

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High School Principal Kourtney Abbotts says the R.O.A.R program is not a one size fits all for students and is more personalized for everyone.

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At Monday’s meeting, board members only approved of the weighted GPA scale, giving high school students taking college level courses through DMACC a half of a high school credit for every college credit and basing their grades off a five-point GPA instead of four. Shanks says this gives students more high school credits for the harder classes and safeguard their GPA.

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The rest of the proposals must wait for approval as they were not action items listed on the agenda. The high school schedule, diplomas and graduation credit requirements will be brought back to the board for approval at upcoming meetings.