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Local Effort To Fight Fraud Grows Into Statewide Program

What began as a local effort to combat fraudsters and scammers is turning into a statewide initiative with the introduction of the Iowa Anti-Fraud Alliance. Three years ago, the Carroll County Fraud Coalition was formed, featuring local banks, law enforcement, and community leaders. Availa Bank Community Education and Outreach Director Lisa Irlbeck was one of the driving forces behind the coalition’s formation.

The group has since hosted many community seminars to highlight fraud trends, educate businesses on protecting themselves and their customers, and increase awareness of the widespread fraud problem. As the Carroll County Fraud Coalition grew, Irlbeck says it caught the attention of some state and federal agencies, who wanted to take it statewide.

Their first program is a virtual meeting aimed at banks, credit users, and other financial industry professionals to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Over 100 Iowans have already registered for the program to hear the speakers.

The hour-long program will feature representatives from the Iowa Department of Insurance and Financial Services, the Iowa Attorney General’s Office, the Iowa Bankers Association, and AARP. While the seminar’s focus is on the financial industry, anybody is welcome to register. To sign up, use the contact points included with this story on our website.


EMAIL: bonnie.robinson@usdoj.gov

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