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IRFA Says “Enough Iowa Nice” In Push To Congress For Nationwide Year-Round E15


The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) has sent a letter to congressional leaders urging immediate action to allow the nationwide sale of E15 fuel year-round. The letter, signed by attendees of the 2025 Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, calls for an end to federal restrictions that limit E15 sales during summer months. IRFA Executive Director Monte Shaw says, “The time is now; E15 is the near-term demand driver that American agriculture needs at this crucial time. Maybe it was the frustration of being so close to having an E15 fix in the recent continuing resolution, only to have it snatched away in the last second that has exhausted Iowans’ patience. No more Iowa nice; we’ve been patient for a decade, and we are done waiting.” Estimates show that E15 saves consumers 15 to 20 cents per gallon and could generate demand for 5 to 7 billion gallons of ethanol in the coming years. A federal rule treats E15 differently from other fuels due to its lower Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP), which means it is generally less volatile and more resistant to evaporation than E10 or premium gasoline. However, E15 is regulated more strictly. The IRFA argues the change would allow access to cleaner, lower-cost fuel options while supporting U.S. farmers.