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Carroll Community Asked To Rally Together To Support Daisy Family With Soup Supper At Brinks’s Exteriors Next Wednesday

Editor’s Note: Event has been postponed to Thursday, Feb. 13, due to weather forecast.

Everyone is invited to come out next Wednesday, Feb. 12, to help the family of a Carroll Community School District (CCSD) eighth-grade student entering hospice care. A free-will donation soup and sandwich dinner fundraiser will help assist the family of Wyatt Daisy, who has been battling serious health issues, transitioning into the next phase of his medical journey. The event will be held at Brincks’s Exteriors at 301 Griffith Rd. in Carroll from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Donations are also being accepted at Commercial Savings Bank under the Wyatt Daisy Benefit. Again, everyone is welcome to support the Daisy family during this time and enjoy some soup and sandwiches next Wednesday.