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Soup Supper Fundraiser For Daisy Family Has Been Rescheduled To Thursday

Picture credit to CCSD Tiger Vision

The Wyatt Daisy Family fundraiser scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) night has been rescheduled due to the predicted weather for the area. Everyone is welcome to come out to Brinks’s Exteriors on Thursday, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for free will donation of soup and sandwiches. Four different soup options will be available, including loaded potato, chili, chicken noodle and chicken enchilada with choice of ham or turkey cheese sandwich and a dessert. Meals can also be prepared to take to go. All proceeds from the event will go to the family of Wyatt Daisy. Again, the soup supper fundraiser has been rescheduled to Thursday, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Brinks’s Exteriors. The Carroll Community School District is also encouraging all who can to wear Tiger gear on Thursday to show support for the Daisy family.