The Greene County Board of Supervisors approved of the based bid with alternates for the Greene County Jail project, even though it came in at roughly a million dollars over the voter approved bond. Greene County residents approved of a $10 million bond referendum in November 2023, after a $12 million bond failed to pass the previous year. Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams and DCI Construction went back to the drawing board to adjust the project in hopes to lower bids. Bids were first opened on Jan. 22 for the new proposed facility, coming in at approximately $6.9 million with the highest prices. The following week on Jan. 29, the remaining three proposals were open for the construction of the detention center. DCI presented a base bid of just over $10,954,000, with alternates that include a heated Sally Port for the department’s vehicles and two additional cells, bringing the bid total to slightly above $11,367,000. By adding the two additional cells, the facility will now be qualified under regulations to be able to hold federal prisoners. The supervisors unanimously approved of the $11.3 million bid, using $2.1 million of surplus funds, repaying that fund through interest being accumulated through investments and increase the tax levies to pay for the remaining unpaid balance. Levy increases will be discussed further in budget workshop sessions.