With the fifth week of the Iowa legislative session completed, District 11 Rep. Craig Williams (R-Manning) provided an update on issues debated at the Capitol, including school funding, free speech protections, and a resolution supporting Israel. Williams notes that school funding has been a significant focus, with lawmakers required to finalize State Supplemental Aid (SSA) within 30 days of the Condition of the State Address. The Iowa House passed a 2.25 percent SSA increase, slightly higher than the two percent increase approved by the Senate, with negotiations now underway. Generally, school funding takes up about half of the overall state budget each year. A resolution supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas also passed, with Williams voting in favor to show support for Iowa’s Jewish community. However, he acknowledges the resolution is largely ceremonial and carries no actual weight. Williams participated in a subcommittee on anti-strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP) legislation, which aims to protect individuals and news organizations from frivolous lawsuits meant to silence free speech. Williams is scheduled to appear at a Carroll Chamber of Commerce Legislative Forum this coming weekend at 10 a.m. on Feb. 22 at the Breda Shelter House.