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Rep. Williams’ Legislative Update: Week 9


The Iowa Legislature hit the halfway point of the 2025 term last week, and District 11 Rep. Craig Williams (R-Manning) provided an update as the Iowa Legislature begins counting down to the end of the 110-day session. Following the March 7 funnel, 362 bills advanced through the House’s first deadline, with 72 scheduled for House floor debate this week. Williams celebrated passing his first bill in the Iowa House, HF 298, which allows judges to place delinquent minors in supervised apartment living to help transition them to independence. The bill passed unanimously, 88-0. The House also advanced HF 367 and HF 381, which streamlines family interaction rules in child welfare cases and corrects statutory language, respectively. A bill to add churches to the list of approved destinations for young drivers on restricted licenses stalled in the House, but Williams is hopeful it will still make it to the floor for debate. Williams also highlighted his subcommittee work on HF 723, a bill requiring wastewater plants to test sewage sludge for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), so called “forever chemicals.” While the legislation cannot advance this year, Williams says it is likely to be an issue next session. Outside of the legislative process, Williams met with local healthcare workers during Hospital Day on the Hill and expressed support for legislation aimed at addressing Iowa’s healthcare workforce shortages and provider safety. Williams encourages constituents from the district to reach out to him at He recommends that messages include the bill or issue in question in the subject line to increase the likelihood that they will be seen. Williams is scheduled to appear at the next Carroll Chamber of Commerce Legislative Forum on Saturday, March 29, at the Kuemper Catholic High School.