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Several Students Earn Top Marks At IHSSA Individual State Speech Competition From Surrounding Schools This Past Weekend


Several of the surrounding area schools sent students to participate and earned top marks in this year’s Iowa High School Speech Associations (IHSSA) Individual State  Speech competition this past weekend. IKM-Manning had 12 students perform, with 13 of the 16 events earning a “I” or “excellent” rating. Those students include: Emily Albertsen, Ma’Kai Prothro, Olivia Robinson, Katelyn Wittrock, Audrey Beermann, Josiah Conner, Sarah Christensen, Linda Valentine, Nathaneal Conner, and Laura McCarville. Three students from Audubon CSD participated, with two bringing back a “I” rating: Mason Steckler and Lena-Elaine Johnson-Rieman. East Sac County also had three students participate with Paige Hout and Grant Golwitzer earning that “excellent” rating for their pieces. Coon Rapids-Bayard had all five students receive a “I” rating: Lucas Obert, Ella Heithoff, Ava LaRue, Trevor McNelly, and Maddy Mason. South Central Calhoun had two students participate and both Annabelle Snyder and Kelsie Hejtmanek  received “I” ratings. The complete list of participating students and scores has been included below. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you results of those nominated to the IHSSA All-State Festival in upcoming newscasts.


Olivia Greving: After Dinner Speaking (2)

Emily Albertsen: Solo Improv (1)

Ma’Kai Prothro: Musical Theatre (1)

Olivia Robinson: After Dinner Speaking (1)

Katelyn Wittrock: Prose (2)

Audrey Beermann: Prose (2)

Josiah Conner: Poetry (1)

Cathreine Conner: Prose (1)

Sarah Christensen: Lit. Program (1)

Sarah Christensen: Musical Theatre (1)

Emily Albertsen: Original Oratory (1)

Katelyn Wittrock: Story telling (1)

Linda Valentine: Poetry (1)

Nathaneal Conner: Original Oratory (1)

Cathrine Conner: Poetry (1)

Laura McCarville: Reviewing (1)



Manson Steckler: Radio News (1)

Lena-Elaine Johnson-Rieman: Acting (1)

Lena: musical theatre: (1)

Sophia Nelsen: Improv (2)



East Sac County:

Liam Daggett: Musical Theatre (2)

Paige Hout: Poetry (1)

Grant Golwitzer: Acting (1)


South Central Calhoun:

Annabell Snyder: Original Oratory (1)

Kelsie Hejtmanek: Poetry (1)




Noelia Gonzalez: Musical Theater (2)



Coon Rapids Bayard:

Lucas Obert: Musical Theater

Ella Heitoff: Musical Theater

Trevor McNelly: Radio broadcasting

Maddy Mason: Storytelling

Ella Heithoff- Prose

Ava LaRue: Original oratory