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Carroll County Supervisors Schedule Special Meeting Thursday To Appoint Interim County Attorney

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors will meet for a special session tomorrow (Thursday) morning to formally appoint an interim county attorney. The board convenes at 8:30 a.m. at the Carroll County Courthouse, and the interim appointment is the only item of business on the supervisors’ agenda. On Monday, the board approved a resolution formalizing Curt Steger as the assistant county attorney, a role he has served in for over a decade. However, after consulting with the Iowa Attorney General’s Office, the supervisors determined that another resolution is required to appoint Steger as the interim county attorney. Assuming that resolution is approved, Steger will fill the vacancy created by the death of John Werden, who died unexpectedly last week. Steger will be the acting county attorney until an individual is selected by the board of supervisors or chosen by voters in an upcoming special election to complete Werden’s term, which expires in December 2026.

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