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Carroll Spring Hyrdrant Flushing Begins March 31

The City of Carroll Public Works Department has announced they will begin their semi-annual water main flushing procedures at the end of the month. Starting at approximately 8 a.m. on Monday, March 31, and continuing through April and into May, city crews will be traveling throughout the city to open each of the 500 or so fire hydrants in the community. This process dramatically increases the flow rate in the mains to dislodge any iron or rust deposits that may have formed in the lines. Customers may experience reddish or rust-colored water at points during these flushing procedures. To clear your in-home lines, run water through multiple faucets until the color returns to normal. The tentative schedule for the spring hydrant flushing is included with this story on our website. Customers with questions or concerns can contact the Carroll Water Division by calling 712-792-1000.



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