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Carroll County Supervisors Host FY26 Property Tax Levy Hearing, Set April 14 Hearing For FY26 Budget

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors hosted the public hearing on the county’s proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 property tax levies. Board Chair Scott Johnson explains what county officials are projecting.

The county has separate rates for rural and urban properties. The proposed maximum rate for the urban levy is $4.36351, and the rural levy is $7.85608, both measured per $1,000 of taxable assessed valuation. County Auditor Kourtney Payer says most taxpayers should see a decrease from last year, depending on how their specific valuations moved.

A 40-acre tract of land valued at $64,870 would have a property tax ask of $364, while a commercial property valued at $1,029,170 would owe $3764. Payer notes they did not receive any written comments from the public before Monday’s hearing; however, there was one in-person comment from a county resident, Janet Christian.

District 4 Supervisor Stephanie Hausman thanked Christian for coming to the hearing, noting that county residents rarely take advantage of public hearings to voice concerns about proposed taxes or projects. District 3 Supervisor Gene Meiners also thanked her for the comments and pointed out that the board is working to be as frugal as possible with taxpayers’ money.

The board then closed the public hearing on the proposed property tax levy and approved a motion to set the public hearing for the overall FY26 Carroll County budget for the April 14 meeting at 9 a.m.

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