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Counselor Tech Raises Her Voice To Help Others In The Quest For Recovery From Substance Abuse

Kristin Cozad has only been a Counselor Tech with the Recovery Center at Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) since March, but is already doing her part to support a 2020 theme of Join the Voice for Recovery during this September’s National Recovery Month. Cozad says her personal experience with alcoholism in her family led her to this career path with a goal of being able to use her story to help others get the support they need. And even though her experiences began years ago, they continued into her career at the Recovery Center. Both her father and her brother served as police officers, her father advancing to Chief Deputy and head of investigations and SWAT. She says as such strong men, there was one thing that likely led both into alcoholism.

Cozad says her father ended up killing himself slowly.

Her brother had also been successful in law enforcement, named Police Officer of the Year in 2008, but he shot and killed someone in the line of duty. That trauma, coupled with other private issues, left him unable to handle the stress on his own. He turned to alcohol and quit the force in late 2008. At 50 years old he sought help, but left a 90-day rehab program this June after 30 days and was only able to remain sober for about one week before he started drinking again.

Cozad says one of the most important parts of recovery is giving people the chance to have their voices heard.

Cozad says those struggling with the disease of addiction and their families should not be ashamed of asking for the help they need. The Recovery Center at MRHC tailors treatment through a combination of detoxification, residential and outpatient services. Cozad says there is one area where change is most apparent, group therapy.

And as Cozad continues to use her own experiences to help others, she urges everyone this month and beyond to raise their own voices toward that same goal. More information on National Recovery Month and links to resources for those seeking assistance can be found below.
To contact the Recovery Center at Manning Regional Healthcare Center:
Phone: 712-655-2300
Website: www.manningrecoverycenter.com
More information on National Recovery Month: https://www.naadac.org/national-recovery-month

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