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IKM-Manning Boys’ Quiz Bowl Conference Champs

The IKM-Manning Boys’ Quiz Bowl team continued their winning streak from the Logan-Magnolia tournament in November of last year and were able to leave Logan with another title, this time as Western Iowa Conference Champions. On Wednesday, March 16. The team of Collin Borkowski, Nick Birks, Scott Halbur, Cole Lingle and Tanner McLaws lost only one match during the competition, going on to defeat Logan-Magnolia in the championship round. Sixteen teams competed in the conference tournament, with the IKM-Manning Girls’ Quiz Bowl team ranking in the top eight as well. Members of the girls’ team include: Lindsey McLaws; Shiloh Petersen; Hannah Fisher; Kate Dentlinger; and Kacey Croghan. A photo of the boys’ championship team can be found with this story on our website.

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