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Shell Of New Carroll Street Maintenance Shed Goes Up Quickly, But There Is Still A Lot More To Do

The new Carroll street maintenance facility at East 3rd and North Maple Streets took shape quickly as concrete cast walls went up in about 10 days. The recent rains, however, have created an issue inside, according to Director of Public Works, Randy Krauel.

Krauel says to date, the site preparation work has been the most challenging as the location had to be built up dramatically on the west side. Krauel points out it looks like it is towering above the current facility, but they are having to dig into the ground for wall placement on the east. The new building features wash and mechanics bays that provide much more space for working on the large machinery as well as four double bays in the east extension to the south. It will also include an office for the superintendent and a training room as well as plenty of storage. Krauel says they will be building in some foundational aspects for future equipment additions.

The building will also include the ability for employees to put up cots in the training space for overnight stays as needed during winter operations and a mezzanine level for additional storage. Krauel says they will keep the current building as cold or low temperature storage for equipment that is currently being kept outside. This he says helps cut down on the degradation of components due to exposure. He adds they have not been hit hard by COVID-related shortages. However, they are currently behind schedule by about 30 days. City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, says they were fortunate to have contracted with Badding Construction in the fall of last year for the bid and alternates at just over $5.11 million. He says this has helped them avoid an increase in construction material costs due to the pandemic. The construction is estimated to take approximately a year.

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