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IKM-Manning District Announces COVID-19 Mitigation Protocols For Start Of 2021/22 School Year

With their first day of school less than two weeks away, the IKM-Manning School District has released a COVID-19 update with mitigation strategies to be implemented at the onset of the 2021/22 school year. The district will be following guidance presented by the Iowa Departments of Public Health and Education and the Governor’s Office. Local conditions will be monitored, but the overall focus will remain on student learning, engagement and safety for all. Enhanced cleaning strategies will continue to be implemented throughout each facility and frequent hand washing and sanitizing will remain a mandate. Face masks are optional for IKM-Manning students, staff, families and visitors. This includes during the school day and at all school events. The issue of wearing masks on buses is in need of clarification as there is a conflict between federal and state mandates. No directive will be made until that clarification is received. Parents are asked to keep children home if they have a temperature of 100.4 or higher or exhibit any symptoms of COVID. They are also asked to contact the school nurse to report any positive cases or potential exposures. Staff members will conduct contact tracing this year. Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 must remain home at least 10 days since the first symptoms appeared, for at least 24 hours since the last fever without fever-reducing medication AND after all other COVID symptoms have improved. These directives may change at any time. Questions can be directed to the district office at 712-655-3781. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more from Superintendent, Trevor Miller, on what is new for the 2021/22 school year in an upcoming newscast.

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