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Monday, Nov. 8 Is Kuemper’s Annual Fall Service Day; Area Residents Asked To Submit Requests By End Of The Week

The annual Kuemper Fall Service Day is slated for the beginning of next week, and organizers are reminding residents who may need a bit of help around the house or yard that the deadline to register is coming soon. The event is organized by members of the Kuemper High School (KHS) Student Council, and senior, Kiley Trecker, says it is their way of reaching out to the community while also practicing their faith.

Senior, Brooklyn Foley, says anybody in need of a few extra hands can request their work be added to the service day list, but they do have some specific demographics in mind.

Their goal is to help as many people as possible, but it is critical to sign up soon so they can fit everyone into the schedule. Trecker and Foley say all it takes to register is a simple phone call.

Again, the number to call is 712-792-3596. Individuals making requests are asked to provide their name, phone number, address and the type of work they need completed when they register. Safety is a consideration, so the school asks jobs not include the use of power tools or ladders. Kuemper students will be out in the community beginning at 12:45 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 8.

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