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CCSD Will Not Offer Voluntary Early Retirement This Year Due To Staffing Concerns

The Carroll Community School District (CCSD) Board of Education will not offer voluntary early retirement to staff members for the 2022-23 school year. The program was first brought to the board for discussion last month, but the topic was tabled due to board members’ concerns regarding its impact on overall staffing. One of the chief concerns was if the district would be able to hire an employee back if they previously opted for voluntary retirement. Superintendent, Casey Berlau, investigated the issue further and reported his findings at Monday’s meeting.

Due to recent difficulties seen statewide in filling open positions, the board also asked for the number of employees who could participate in the voluntary retirement program. To be eligible, a staff member must be at least 55 years old and have worked for the district for a minimum of 15 consecutive years. According to Berlau, the eligibility numbers do not change significantly from this year to next.

The program has been offered the last two years with nine employees participating each year. Board member, Duane Horsley, says he is not in favor of a third consecutive year due to the current hiring environment.

Board President, Cindy Johnson, agreed with Horsley. She says experienced teachers will be needed as the district works to fill educational gaps created by the pandemic.

School officials voted unanimously in favor of not offering voluntary early retirement. The program is to used move the salary expense of longer-tenured and generally higher-paid employees to the Management Fund, which frees up money in the broader General Fund.

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