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Iowa Department Of Public Safety Offers Required Human Trafficking Training For Lodging Employees

A new law passed by the Iowa Legislature this year requires all lodging providers who host public employees or publicly-funded events and conferences to train all of their staff on human trafficking in order to receive public funds as payment for services. The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) is providing free, online training that is available 24/7 at www.StopHTIowa.org. “Human trafficking directly affects Iowa given our proximity to major metropolitan areas like Kansas City and Chicago, and the intersection of two major interstate systems,” says DPS Commissioner, Stephan Bayens. “As a result, we know human trafficking is happening in Iowa and that it frequently occurs in a hotel/motel setting. The goal of this training is to provide lodging staff with the knowledge and tools to quickly identify and respond to human trafficking, so together we can prevent this from happening in our state. Even one victim is one too many.” Like most crimes, human trafficking is often hidden from public view. It can involve the exploitation of minors or adults for commercial sex and is frequently accompanied by the use of force, fraud or coercion. Human trafficking, does not require the transportation of an individual across state lines or even that the person is physically restrained. The Iowa Office to Combat Human Trafficking has seen increased reporting of activity in the state, but it is difficult to say if this is the result of more trafficking or more reporting. Signs a person is being trafficked include working excessively long hours, unexplained gifts, physical injuries, substance abuse, running away from home, isolation from others or being controlled and/or closely monitored by another person. If residents see indications of human trafficking, they should call 911 or the Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.

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