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Iowans Are Drinking It Down And Liquor Sales Are Going Up, Breaking FY20 Record

The Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (ABD) reported record sales during the height of the pandemic in 2020 at $367.3 million, but those numbers have been topped again for fiscal year 2021. On Tuesday the division released its annual report showing liquor sales at $415.8 million, an unprecedented 13.2 percent increase. And since the close of their fiscal year on June 30, 2021 through the end of November, sales have increased 5.7 percent. “The outcomes within this year’s annual report reflect good government planning and execution,” says Administrator, Stephen Larson. “This is a direct result of ABD putting in place a solid strategic plan in 2019.” These sales will result in a transfer of $168 million to the State’s General Fund for apportionment by the legislature. This includes a $29 million allocation to the Department of Public Health for the administration of substance abuse and prevention education programs. There were more than 6.5 million gallons of liquor sold with Black Velvet as the most popular brand. Titos Handmade Vodka and Captain Morgan round out the top three. Blue Ox Vodka was the most popular Iowa brand for the third year. The full annual report can be found by following the link included below.


Link to ABD full annual report: https://abd.iowa.gov/annual-reports

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