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Carroll County Supervisors Finalize FY23 Maximum Property Tax Levies; Final Public Hearing Set For March 28 Meeting

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors has only one public hearing before finalizing their Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget. During their meeting on Monday, the board hosted a public hearing on the FY23 maximum property tax levy notice. County Auditor, Kourtney Payer, outlines the county’s proposed tax asking.

This is a slight increase from FY22’s figures, which are 4.14091 for urban taxpayers and 7.43503 for rural. Payer says many factors contributed to the higher levies.

Payer notes her office did not receive any written comments before the public hearing on Monday, and no county residents spoke for or against the proposed levies during the meeting. The supervisors voted unanimously to approve FY23’s maximum property tax levy notice, leaving only the overall FY23 budget’s public hearing. The board then approved a resolution scheduling the hearing for their Monday, March 28 meeting at 9:15 a.m. Once approved, county officials will submit budget documents to the Iowa Department of Management no later than March 31.

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